Blindness and maternity: a perspective of pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium by women with varying degrees of visual impairment: accesibility and interpretation of their process


  • Rebeca Pérez-Bolívar Morcuende Centro de Salud Entrevías



pregnancy, blindness, visual impairment


Aim: To explore the experiences of visually impaired woman who decides to become a mother. Describe how the process since making the decision to get pregnant until labor and experience in postpartum occurs.

Materials and Method: Qualitative research through a phenomenological approach.
Results and Conclusions: It has highlighted the mismatch between the mother figure by the perspective of these women; and barriers, fears and difficulties for accompaniment by health professionals and family for the whole process of pregnancy and parenting. Through interviews, they cannot draw conclusions that can be extrapolated to the group of visually impaired. However, this is a challenge that requires a cognitive shift in health care workers as well as more training and encouragement of attitudes of respect. The challenge also involves providing specific health professionals to sensitize them when they are training these women in their health institutions.

Author Biography

Rebeca Pérez-Bolívar Morcuende, Centro de Salud Entrevías

Matrona, Centro de Salud Entrevías. Madrid.