Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Approaching Women’s Health Processes from an Ethical and Social Perspective: New Demands and Needs for Change

					View Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Approaching Women’s Health Processes from an Ethical and Social Perspective: New Demands and Needs for Change

New technologies and social changes affect all aspects of life, including women’s health, which is why constant changes are needed in the legislation that deals with them, as can be seen in this issue, which deals with aspects such as gamete donation, the reform of the abortion law or the need to update vaccination schedules.

However, this forward-looking approach should not make us forget the complex and often dramatic situations that exist beforehand and are lacking in attention: male violence, both in the recovery of the victims and in their detection during pregnancy, attention to the “silenced” perinatal losses or respect for natural childbirth care with its return to home care.

Published: 2023-05-30

Health and Society: Ethical, Anthropological, and Social Aspects

Women and Family