Decriminalization of euthanasia in Belgium: a profile of twenty years and deontological implications




medical ethics, personal autonomy, euthanasia, end of life care, Belgium


The article brings into context the statistics of twenty years since the decriminalization of euthanasia in Belgium. In reconstructing this process, the central aspects of the policy are analysed, such as its democratic nature and the protection of conscientious objection. Often discussed in isolation, this article considers voluntary end of life as part of a palliative program that, in turn, integrates a broader vision, as reflected in the 2002 package of regulations. In addition to outlining some of its consequences, deontological and otherwise, the article underlines the exceptional use of euthanasia, limited to duly qualified cases of physical or mental suffering, but that it also significantly increases respect for the autonomy of the person. All in all, the article invites us to consider multiple moral codes in the face of one of the few events of which we are certain: death.

Author Biography

Claudia Collado, Universidad de Chile

Profesora de la Escuela de Enfermería. Universidad de Chile. School of Health in Social Science. University of Edinburgh, Escocia.


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How to Cite

Ayala, R., & Collado, C. (2023). Decriminalization of euthanasia in Belgium: a profile of twenty years and deontological implications. Revista De Bioética Y Derecho, (59), 77–95.



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