CLINHAB: Teaching y social commitment


  • Esther Arroyo Amayuelas
  • Isabel Viola Demestre
  • Miriam Anderson



Legal Clinic, Housing, Rent, Mortgage, Residential Mediation, Transfer of Knowledge, Learning by Doing


ClinHab is the free consultation service on housing matters offered by the Legal Clinic on Housing and Residential Mediation ( It is the result of a teaching innovation project aiming to respond to queries posed by the general public, third sector entities and the public administration. Students in their third and fourth year of the Law Degree solve problems related to rent, mortgage or condominium, for example, under the tight supervision of professors and other collaborators (mainly lawyers, economists, mediators and financial experts with solid backgrounds in banking). This experience promotes innovation in teaching, since it entails the practical implementation of case-based learning, as well as promoting values of social awareness and justice that are essential to the legal profession.

Author Biographies

Esther Arroyo Amayuelas

Profesora titular de universidad
Derecho Civil
Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona

Isabel Viola Demestre

Profesora titular de universidad
Derecho Civil
Co-directora de la Clínica jurídica en derecho inmobiliario y mediación residencial (dret al Dret)
Universidad de Barcelona

Miriam Anderson

Profesora agregada
Derecho Civil
Co-Directora de ClinHab: Clínica Jurídica en Derecho Inmobiliario y Mediación Residencial
Universidad de Barcelona

How to Cite

Arroyo Amayuelas, E., Viola Demestre, I., & Anderson, M. (2015). CLINHAB: Teaching y social commitment. Education and Law Review, (11).