The SDGs as a learning tool: a multidisciplinary experience in university studies


  • Lucía Aparicio Chofré University of Valencia
  • Lupe Bohorques Marchori European University of Valencia
  • Carla De Paredes Gallardo European University of Valencia
  • Cristina Escamilla Robla European University of Valencia
  • Elisa Giménez Fita European University of Valencia
  • José María Quilez Moreno European University of Valencia



Sustainability Sustainable Development Goals, Project based Learning, transversality and Service Learning


The approval of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) represents an ambitious roadmap which try to respond to the global and existential challenges that humanity faces. Under the slogan: “Leaving no one behind”, its 17 Goals include transcendental issues ranging from poverty eradication to climate action, through access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy or sustained economic growth, inclusive and sustainable and ending with the reduction of inequalities between countries or the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies. In this context, Universities, like the rest of the actors, are called to play a fundamental role due to their position as generators and transmitters of knowledge. This is precisely the purpose of this educational innovation project in which the SDGs are used as a learning tool. It is an innovative and multidisciplinary experience implemented during several academic years in four different degrees at the European University of Valencia. More than a hundred students have had the opportunity to participate in the project, obtaining highly satisfactory results and an evident improvement in their knowledge and skills. A project, in which different learning methodologies are combined, with the aim that students, as future leaders and managers, not only know and are able to respond to these important challenges, but also they acquire a series of competencies, the so-called soft skills, which are currently essential for a better quality education and more human.

Author Biographies

Lucía Aparicio Chofré, University of Valencia

Assistant Professor Doctor of Philosophy of Law
Department of Philosophy of Law and Politics

Lupe Bohorques Marchori, European University of Valencia

Adjunct Professor in Degrees of Social and Health Sciences

Carla De Paredes Gallardo, European University of Valencia

Adjunct professor in Degrees of Social and Health Sciences

Cristina Escamilla Robla, European University of Valencia

Adjunct Professor in Degrees of Social and Health Sciences

Elisa Giménez Fita, European University of Valencia

Adjunct Professor in Degrees of Social and Health Sciences

José María Quilez Moreno, European University of Valencia

Professor of Labor Law
Faculty of Social Sciences


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2021-10-15 — Updated on 2022-02-14

How to Cite

Aparicio Chofré, L., Bohorques Marchori, L. ., De Paredes Gallardo, C., Escamilla Robla, C. ., Giménez Fita, E. ., & Quilez Moreno, J. M. (2022). The SDGs as a learning tool: a multidisciplinary experience in university studies. Education and Law Review, (1 Extraordinario), 307–332.