Evolution, importance and current treatment of tax education in Spain and the European Union


  • Ana María Enríquez Rodríguez University of Barcelona




tax education, tax fraud, voluntary taxpayer compliance, tax morale, AEAT, European Union, measures


This article tries to analyze what is the degree of importance of tax education within the framework of the fight against tax fraud and how it influences the taxpayer's morality that affects the degree and form of compliance with their tax obligations.

Likewise, its basic normative degree is analyzed and, especially considering the fundamental or basic rights that may be involved.

Finally, the latest measures carried out in the field of tax education are analyzed both by the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT) and at the European Union level. As a result of all the above, it is concluded how this matter, tax education, despite not being totally new, has been gaining prominence over time because it has a special link in the taxpayer's behavior.

Author Biography

Ana María Enríquez Rodríguez, University of Barcelona

PhD candidate in Financial and Tax Law
University of Barcelona


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How to Cite

Enríquez Rodríguez, A. M. (2022). Evolution, importance and current treatment of tax education in Spain and the European Union. Education and Law Review, (26). https://doi.org/10.1344/REYD2022.26.40675