Application of artificial intelligence in the educational field. Analysis of good practices and recommendations




Artificial Intelligence, education, educational revolution, challenges and responsibility


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has established itself as a powerful tool today. With the continuous advancement of technological tools, we live in a world characterized by its dynamism and constant change. The application of AI in the educational field has become a growing trend aimed at improving of projects through the use of advanced data processing and machine learning techniques. This article analyses this revolution and the good practices implemented in education through the use of AI. The aim is to show the technological advances and advantages of the application of AI in education, allowing more precise planning, better allocation of resources and more informed decision-making. AI has revolutionized the way we teach and learn, as evidenced by the various learning platforms available. Likewise, it is crucial to address the associated ethical challenges, ensuring that a responsible approach is taken in the implementation of these technologies. This analysis not only highlights improvements in the efficiency and personalization of learning but also highlights the need for critical reflection on the ethical and social implications of integrating AI into education.

Author Biography

Carla Paredes Gallardo

PhD in Law
European University of Valencia. Faculty of Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Paredes Gallardo, C. (2024). Application of artificial intelligence in the educational field. Analysis of good practices and recommendations. Education and Law Review, (2 Extraordinario), 512–539. Extraordinario.49204