IA legum: transforming legal education with intelligent technology





AI, transformation, challenges, ethic, verification


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in higher education holds immense potential for innovation and transformation, encompassing both teaching and learning processes as well as management and research. However, this usage brings forth a series of challenges and risks which require attention, particularly in terms of ethics and responsibility. Regulation, such as the European Union Regulation on AI, aims to provide a framework for ethical and secure use of this technology. In this context, it is essential for university students to acquire an adequate level of knowledge and skills to interact with AI critically and responsibly. Human verification, or "human on the loop," emerges as a fundamental component for ethical use aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). This approach entails continuous monitoring and validation of the functioning and outcomes of AI applications, as well as intervention when necessary to correct or enhance their performance.

The experience we present unfolds within the framework of an educational innovation project and focuses on assessing the level of knowledge and usability of AI among university students. Additionally, it explores the role played by human verification in students' interaction with AI. Through an online questionnaire for an initial diagnostic evaluation and the implementation of practical activities, our aim is to prepare students for a constantly evolving digital and technological world, promote appropriate usage, and foster critical reflection on the impact and ethics of AI in society and the educational environment.

Author Biographies

José Luis Zamora Manzano

Professor of Roman Law, Department of Basic Legal Sciences, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Tewise Yuren Ortega González

Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Legal Sciences, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


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How to Cite

Zamora Manzano, J. L. ., & Ortega González, T. Y. (2024). IA legum: transforming legal education with intelligent technology. Education and Law Review, (2 Extraordinario), 287–303. https://doi.org/10.1344/REYD2024.2 Extraordinario.49382