Service learning as a methodological approach for the critical pedagogy


  • Òscar Chiva
  • Jesús Gil Gómez
  • Raquel Corbatón Martínez
  • Carlos Capella Peris


Service learning, critical pedagogy, methodology, citizenship, education


This paper describes the relation between the critical pedagogy and the fundamentals of the service learning methodology. Its main objective is to demonstrate, conclusively, the suitability of service learning as a pedagogical methodology to achieve objectives such as empowerment, transformation and social justice. Firstly, the paper clarifies the fundamentals of the critical pedagogy, understood as a philosophical-educational paradigm emerging from the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School. Subsequently, the article reports on the pedagogical foundations of service learning, providing arguments that demonstrate their ability to meet the educational goals of critical pedagogy. Finally, this correlation is exemplified from a brief review of research on the effects of service learning, as well as from the detailed description of a research conducted in the Spanish context, highlighting the real possibilities of this methodology to achieve the aims of the critical pedagogy


