Non-regulated Female Religiosity in the Catalan Counties in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries: A Territorial and Network-Oriented Approach


  • Xavier Costa Badia Institut de Recerca en Cultures Medievals (IRCVM)


Palabras clave:

Catalan Counties, Female Religiosity, Non-regulated Forms of Spirituality, Devotae, Deodicatae, Historical cartography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)


This article aims to look into non-regulated female spirituality in the Catalan counties in the ninth and tenth centuries, a phenomenon that has attracted virtually no attention among Catalan medievalists since the appearance of Montserrat Cabré's pioneering studies in the 1980s and 1990s. To fill this gap, recently edited sources will be used to provide a complete list of the devotae and deodicatae who can be documented before the year 1000, including both those who lived in regulated monastic environments and those who carried a religious life outside regulated establishments. Likewise, taking into account that although there are very few data on the majority of these women, most of it can be georeferenced, the many possibilities offered by Geographic Information Systems will be used to maximise its potential and to offer a more precise characterization of these women, their way of life and, above all, the spaces they inhabited.




