Online ISSN: 1699-7549

About the Journal


Astrolabio is an international philosophy journal created in 2005 by a group of researchers from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. Since its first issue, Astrolabio has been dedicated to the dissemination of philosophical and humanistic thought. Recognizing the importance of a transversal approach, the journal values and receives research ranging from micro analyses to macro perspectives, and from abstract theoretical questions to applied, interdisciplinary studies or those that establish a cultural or political dialogue and their impact on subjectivities.

Throughout its existence, Astrolabio has demonstrated itself to be an important international center for scientific discussion, promoting a critical approach to problems, theories, doctrines, and realities, becoming a space for the publication of philosophical, historical, critical, or theoretical studies in the Humanities.

It also seeks to spread its content beyond the specialized and strictly academic sphere, facilitating the public's engagement with issues that today form an essential part of everyday life.

Astrolabio receives articles and reviews on a rolling basis from all over the world, in Catalan, Spanish, English, Portuguese, and Italian. All submissions must follow the submission guidelines and be made through the Submissions section.

With the exception of issue 28, which was published under the CC BY NC license, all previous and future issues of Astrolabio are published under the CC BY license.

This website includes issues starting from 2024. Previous issues can be consulted at (


Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 29 (2024): Culture, Hegemony, and Subjectivity in Contemporary Politics
					View Vol. 1 No. 29 (2024): Culture, Hegemony, and Subjectivity in Contemporary Politics

Issue number 29 of Astrolabio: International Journal of Philosophy invites the entire academic community to submit papers under the main theme CULTURE, HEGEMONY, AND SUBJECTIVITY IN CONTEMPORARY POLITICS.


Published: 2024-12-17


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