«Dasein», «il y a», «adsum»: Una comparación entre María Zambrano, Heidegger y Lévinas


  • Rosella Prezzo Università Statale de Milán


Time, exile, experience


The aim of my work on María Zambrano was to situate her philosophy in the panorama of contemporary thought and to create an interaction between the two. My intention was to highlight the originality and contemporary relevance of her work. Following a method closely associated with María Zambrano herself, I have articulated the comparison not by contrasting theoretical systems, but through certain key words, figures and concepts.



How to Cite

Prezzo, R. (2021). «Dasein», «il y a», «adsum»: Una comparación entre María Zambrano, Heidegger y Lévinas. Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (8). Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/aurora/article/view/29469