La razón poética. Una aproximación (María Zambrano y Heidegger)


  • Jorge Acevedo Guerra Universidad de Chile (Santiago de Chile)


Heidegger, Zambrano, poetic reason, ratio, logos, poiesis


Heidegger’s thinking permits outlines the field where you could understand the poetic reason, postulated and exercised by María Zambrano. In order to clarify this idea, the present paper offers, first, a difference between ratio and logos, and then, it delineate the source of poetic in poiesis (bringing-forth), poiesis understood as aletheia (revealing, unconcealment, truth). Poetic reason, in the third place, is associated to meditative thinking (besinnliches Denken) and releasement (Gelassenheit). Poetic reason is related directly with logos –not with ratio–, and also with meditative thinking –not with calculative thinking–, a type of originary poetry different from the way that poetry is usually conceived, also with releasement understood as a peculiar letting be (Seinlassen). 



How to Cite

Acevedo Guerra, J. (2021). La razón poética. Una aproximación (María Zambrano y Heidegger). Aurora. Papeles Del Seminario María Zambrano, (9). Retrieved from