About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Cercles. A Journal of Cultural History is an annual scientific journal edited by the Intellectual and Cultural History Group (GEHCI) of the University of Barcelona. The aim of the journal is to offer to the academic community a space to debate cultural studies and the history of culture and intellectuals in the contemporary history of Catalonia, Spain and Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Cercles publishes articles, essays and bibliographic reviews on these subjects.

Cercles is recognized by the University of Barcelona and it is published simultaneously in print and electronically with free access.


Peer Review Process

Cercles. A Journal of Cultural History accepts submissions — original texts only — for the following sections: essays, monographs and research, and book reviews or other. All texts are submitted to at least two external double-blind peer reviews, which are confidential and anonymous, and based on methodology and style. The Editorial Board evaluates the reviews received and sends them to the authors together with the provisional decision on possible publication and instructions and/or changes that should be made (corrections, responses) and a definitive decision on publication.


Publication Frequency

This journal is annual. It is published in paper and electronical format at once.

Open Access Policy

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International 


Declaration of publishing ethics and best practices

Cercles. A Journal of Cultural History subscribes the Declaration of publishing ethics and best practices for scientific journals published by the University of Barcelona.

The University of Barcelona promotes the open access publication of digital journals and endeavours to guarantee quality and conscientiousness in the transfer of scientific knowledge. The University is committed to ensuring that the articles it publishes and the publishing process itself observe the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It is therefore essential that all of the stakeholders in this process—journal editors,reviewers, technical editors and authors—know and act according to the Code.

  • Journal editors should:

- ensure that the decision to publish is not dependent on the author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, country of origin, citizenship or political persuasion;

- publish regular updates on the responsibilities of authors, submission requirements, the arbitration system used to select the articles and the evaluation criteria to be applied by reviewers;

publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed and not make use of any article received for UB-specific research assignments without the author’s consent;

- guarantee confidentiality during the review process, meaning (a) the anonymity of reviewers and authors and the confidentiality of the content of the articles, the reports submitted by reviewers and any other type of correspondence with or between the editorial, consultant and scientific committees and (b) confidentiality in the correspondence between the author and the journal committees or reviewers when the author wishes to clarify, change or complain about some aspect of the article;

- make certain that the integrity of articles already published is respected;

- act swiftly to eliminate from the journal or refuse to publish any article that has been found to plagiarise information from other sources.

  • Authors should

- understand that they are responsible for all submitted content;

- notify the journal editors of any errors in their published articles so that the appropriate corrections can be made;.

- guarantee that the article and associated materials are original and do not infringe on the rights of third-party authors and, when there are co-authors, guarantee that the consent of all the authors is obtained before the article goesto press.

  • Reviewers and technical editors should

- apply revisions that are objective, informed, critical, constructive and unbiased, where acceptance or rejection is based only on the work’s relevance, originality, interest to the public in question and compliance with the style and content regulations in the evaluation criteria;

- meet deadlines when this is possible and promptly inform the journal editor when it is not;

- avoid sharing, spreading or reproducing any information from articles still under review without permission from the corresponding journal editors or authors.

Journal History

Cercles. A Journal of Cultural History first appeared in 1999, edited by the Intellectual and Cultural History Group (GEHCI), under the direction of Jordi Casassas, professor in Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona. Since its first issue, Cercles has been recognized as a scientific journal by the University of Barcelona. Each issue consists of articles, monographs and editorial book reviews. Cercles is published simultaneously in print and electronically with free access.