‘The Education System under the Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera: Growth, Repression and Nationalization. State of the Question


  • Alba Baiges López Universitat de Barcelona (UB)


Historiography, Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship, school system, nationalization, State control


This article analyses historiography relating to education during Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship, with special attention given to works that consider the notion of the school system as a nationalizing instrument throughout those years. Following this bibliographical itinerary, the paper examines the questions of major interest, as well as the perspectives from which these problems have been tackled, up to the current decade, when new trends have appeared that emphasize the nationalization of the school system while turning away from more traditional approaches.

Author Biography

Alba Baiges López, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Llicenciada en Història per la Universitat de Barcelona i doctoranda del programa «Societat i Cultura: Història, Antropologia, Art i Patrimoni» de la mateixa institució. La seva tesi doctoral se centra en la nacionalització de l’educació durant la dictadura de Primo de Rivera en el marc de la província de Barcelona.
