Intellectuals and Sport: Critical and Subcultural Analysis of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán in the Nineteen-Seventies


  • Jordi Osua Universitat de Barcelona (UB)


Vázquez Montalbán, sport, intellectuals, popular culture, subcultural analysis, Marxist criticism


Vázquez Montalbán was one of the first intellectuals of the anti-Francoist left to address sport without preconception or suspicion. In the 1970s he overcame the prejudices of orthodox Marxism to articulate a theory of sport as a mass-cultural phenomenon. On the one hand, he defended its importance in shaping the sentiments of the working class by satisfying their need for the epic. On the other, however, he decried its ideological deceit, its loss of humanistic value and its political and economic instrumentalization.

Author Biography

Jordi Osua, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

Doctor en Ciències de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport per la Universitat de Barcelona (UB)