Europeanism and Catholicism in Post-War Catalan Political and Cultural Discourse


  • Carles Santacana i Torres Universitat de Barcelona (UB)


franquismo, intelectuales, democracia, catolicismo, europeísmo, catalanismo, francoism, intellectuals, democracy, catholicism, europeanism, catalanism.


Among the elements that make up the reworking of the democratic discourse in the postwar era, the redefinition of catholicism and a new concept of Europeanism plays a special role. In the first case it deals with the adjustment of Christianism to a concept of a democratic society that begins with the introduction of European catholic thinkers through publications and different groups which break away from national-catholicism. On the other hand, Europeanism defines a discourse of identification with democracy and freedom that feeds itself completely from the context of the Cold War, which will become a focal point for the different democratic tides.