An Unknown Challenge of Joan Peiró i Belis: Integrating Cooperativism, Culture and Social Revolution


  • Miguel Garau Rolandi


Joan Peiró Belis, cooperativism, culture, anarchy and trade unions, Second Republic, Mataró


This article starts with one of the least studied aspects of the anarchist and trade union leader Joan Peiró Belis: his defense of the revolutionary role of the cooperatives and his links with the cultural work that he started. This will lead us to deal with the business development of the cooperative Cristalleries de Mataró, of which he was the director, as well as the Centro de Estudios Sociales de Mataró and the Escuela Racionalista which was founded by this cooperative. Therefore, we will move away from his trade union biography on a national scale to concentrate on his local activism throughout the Second Republic.

Author Biography

Miguel Garau Rolandi
