Cultures i Drets Sexuals i Reproductius de les dones migrants a Catalunya.
Per una atenció centrada en la perspectiva integral i de gènere en el sistema sanitari català.
This article is part of a broader investigation that has been carried out within the framework of a global justice intervention carried out by the NGO Farmamundi. The study highlights the need for culturally competent health care, that is, with specific strategies to address the complexity of the system. The purpose is to improve the social and health service for users of different cultural origins by introducing a comprehensive and gender perspective in the Catalan Health System (SSC). Specifically, from March 2019 to May 2020, based on the use of both qualitative and quantitative research techniques, different perspectives present in the Catalan health system have been analyzed: migrant women served by the SSC, social professionals who They accompany and the cultural mediators that establish a bridge between the orders of cultural meanings, and the health professionals that make up the Catalan health system. The objective is to understand the needs of the agents mentioned in order to improve and enrich the Catalan health system, as well as to deepen behaviors experienced as ambiguous -such as, for example, the presence of a child in the query to translate or the lack of an active response to sexist violence- and social phenomena -that is, prejudice and discrimination- that occur in the process of sexual-reproductive health, from the perspective of the people analyzed. The results emphasize intercultural communicative interactions as a determining element to reduce the barriers that hinder the relationship between agents.
KEY WORDS: Migrant women; sexual and reproductive health; gender and health; comprehensive care.

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Drets d'autor (c) 2022 Elisabeth Llamas, Serena Brigidi

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