Missatges autoreferencials dels actors del ritual de l'Id-al-ad·ha


  • Marta Alonso Cabré


This paper examines the celebration of Id-al-ad·ha or "festival of sacrifice", which is a ritual performed by the Muslim community in the 10th day of the dhu-al-hijja month. The analysis is based on ethnographic examples taken from the Muslim diaspora in the area of Tarragona and the Mauritanian emiral society. The phenomenon is explored through the roles played by the ritual’s actors. The text aims at stressing the idea that every ritual is embedded in a specific social context from which it arises and, at the same time, it works as a modulator of that very context by means of what Roy Rappaport calls "auto-referential messages". This point does not exclude the existence of a set of common denominators or "canonical messages" among the mentioned ritual practices.


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How to Cite

Alonso Cabré, Marta. 2009. “Missatges Autoreferencials Dels Actors Del Ritual De l’Id-Al-ad·ha”. (Con)textos: Revista d’antropologia I Investigació Social, no. 2 (February). Barcelona, Espanya:73-92. https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/contextos/article/view/2153.



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