Il Personaggio Invisibile. Etnografia di un processo di creazione teatrale


  • Flavia Kremer


This article aims to inquire about the critical potential of a theatre play through the uses of anthropological tools and question some concepts from the anthropology of performance through fieldwork within a rehearsal process. The article is divided in two parts: in the first I discuss critically some concepts of the work of Victor Turner and present a critic by Renato Rosaldo, which will lead to the questioning of some of these concepts. The second part is an ethnography of a rehearsal process of a theatre company in Rome (Italy). Departing from Rosaldo’s work and based on the analysis of the rehearsal process I conclude with questioning Victor Turner’s concept of “social drama”.


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How to Cite

Kremer, Flavia. 2010. “Il Personaggio Invisibile. Etnografia Di Un Processo Di Creazione Teatrale”. (Con)textos: Revista d’antropologia I Investigació Social, no. 3 (March). Barcelona, Espanya:39-60.



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