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Archive of Published Issues: 2023

Front Matter

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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/contextos
Title (Con)textos: revista d'antropologia i investigació social
Publisher Universitat de Barcelona
Description This publication contains texts addressing ethnographical analysis and/or theoretical reflection in the field of social anthropology. It also includes papers from other social and human sciences related to anthropology.
ISSN 2013-0864
Language(s) Català (ca_ES)
Español (es_ES)
English (en_US)
Publisher Email contextos@ub.edu

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The author retains the authorship rights, and grants (Con)textos: revista d'antropologia i investigació social the rights to the first publication of the article.

The author authorizes the reproduction and dissemination of their articles in indexing and abstract services, academic databases and repositories in which the journal currently or in the future participates. After No 13, texts will be disseminated with the Creative Commons - Attribution (CC-by) license as long as the author and the journal are acknowledged, no commercial use is made and no derivative works are generated.

Likewise, the authors can deposit the final version accepted for publication in institutional or thematic open access repositories. (Con)textos: revista d'antropologia i investigació social does not accept any responsibility for the views and statements made by the authors in their works.


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