Use of technological supports in academic tasks. A study with Higher Education students
Enseñanza Superior, TIC, ordenador, tablet, teléfono móvilAbstract
The growing use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in the most diverse dimensions and institutions of social life, imposes challenges on the educational systems that must accompany this technological advance. The objective of this research was to know the use that the students of the University of Évora make of technological supports (computer and/or tablet and mobile phone), both in the academic and personal spheres. The study sample is made up of a total of 308 students to whom the CUTIC questionnaire (Jiménez, Alvarado & Llopis, 2017) was applied on digital behaviors and opinions on the use of ICT. Data collection was carried out using Google Form, with prior informed consent. According to the results, the students make frequent use of the computer and the tablet in their academic tasks, the use of the mobile phone being less frequent, while their emotions and behaviors are not altered by the use and access to technological supports in neither of the two levels of studies analyzed (graduate and postgraduate).
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