It depends on you. Family beliefs of digital technologies as a regulator of children's screen use.


  • Mariona Grané Faculty of Education, University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Rafael Suárez Department of Cultural Industries, Tecnocampus, Spain
  • Dorys Sabando Faculty of Education, University of Barcelona, Spain



Family digital perception, Digital parenting, Children's digital habits


Family attitudes and beliefs around digital technologies are a key factor in young children's digital habits in the home. This study involved conducting interviews with 46 families of children under 6 years of age to understand how parental perceptions determine the screen use of young children in terms of activities, content, and time.  The aim is to provide knowledge for an in-depth reflection on media management in the home.

A descriptive, quantitative study was designed, based on a questionnaire survey model to interview families. The results show few differences between the most positive and the most negative family perceptions of children's use of ICTs. The complexity of the analysis of parental digital education strategies and support systems is evident. The perceptions of families are based upon a balance that avoids extremes, are shrouded in contradictions, and are regulated according to the needs of the context. This leads to the need to consider, globally, the different factors that influence children's digital habits.

Author Biographies

Mariona Grané, Faculty of Education, University of Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Mariona Grané is a member of the consolidated research group LMI (Learning, Media, and Social Interactions) and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education and Audiovisual Communication at the University of Barcelona. Her main line of research focuses on information and communication technologies in education, specifically in the field of the design of interactive learning environments, as well as the use, adoption, and integration of digital technologies in educational environments and the learning potential of media. She has participated in the design and development of 28 national and international research projects and is the author of more than 45 scientific publications in the field of educational technology.

Rafael Suárez, Department of Cultural Industries, Tecnocampus, Spain

Rafael Suárez, PhD, is a member of the SSIT research group (Sound, Silence, Image, and Technology) and professor in Audiovisual Media studies at TecnoCampus and in Communication at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. His main line of research focuses on film capture, cinematography, and mobile communication technologies and their application in higher education, specifically in the field of the use of mobile apps for learning, their adoption and integration in educational environments, and the potential for their professional use in the audiovisual industry.

Dorys Sabando, Faculty of Education, University of Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Dorys Soledad Sabando Rojas has a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Barcelona, where she is a Tenure-Track lecturer in the Department of Teaching and Learning and Educational Organization. She is a member of the Research Group Learning, Media & Social Interactions (LMI) and a member of the Educational Support to Inclusive Education group belonging to the Institute of Educational Sciences (ICE) of the University of Barcelona. Her research focuses on inclusive education, pre-service teacher training in behavior self-regulation, and educational apps for early childhood.


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