Philosophical, ethical and pedagogical implications of the use of Artificial Intelligence in education




Artificial Intelligence, Teacher-Student Relationship, Ethics, Pedagogy


This article examines the philosophical, ethical and pedagogical implications of the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education. In this way, and starting from the diversity of opinions on the potential of AI in this field, ranging from enthusiastic perspectives to alarmist predictions, this study proposes a critical and exploratory analysis of these implications through a hermeneutic approach that considers different relevant perspectives in order to evaluate and guide the use of AI in education and its potential impact on the pedagogical relationship, betting on the humanisation of technology and avoiding the technologisation of humans. The ultimate purpose is to better understand the challenges and opportunities presented by the convergence of AI and education, and to promote a competent and conscious use of these technologies, especifically on terms of Teacher-Student Relationship.


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