Digital behavior of leisure time educators during COVID-19. Resilience and innovation against uncertainty
non-formal education, leisure time education, digital behavior, resilience, COVID-19Abstract
This paper includes the summary of a research carried out in Catalonia (Spain) on the digital behavior of educators in leisure time educational institutions during COVID-19, when their face-to-face activities were cancelled as a public health measure. We want to analyze the processes and dynamics that these educators have carried out in their institutions, deserving special attention to their resilience and innovation skills. The survey method using a questionnaire with 69 items has been applied to a sample of 646 educators from these institutions. A univariate and bivariate descriptive statistical analysis has been carried out based on population variables (age, gender, residence and type of entity). The results describe a resilient behavior of educators in order to keep educational activity alive during the cancellation. However, the educational outcomes and satisfaction levels with online activities are low, and a methodological incompatibility is observed between in-person and online educational dynamics. There are also significant differences between male and female educators, as well as according to the type of institution. Educators expect more in-person activities in the near future and more social and political acknowledgement of their work.
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