Digital Storytelling as a Methodology for Articulating the Structure of Responsible Research and Innovation Axes
Digital Storytelling. Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). Science Education. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).Abstract
This study seeks to identify Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles for producing Digital Storytelling (DS) in Investigation Group (IG) among Brazilian basic education students, based on socio-scientific themes. This investigation used qualitative research. The methodological path consisted of developing IG activities aimed at promoting and integrating RRI skills via DS construction by the students. Data were collected using a field diary, video recordings of the IG meetings, and the DS themselves. We observed that RRI axes are directly and indirectly addressed by DS, and seemed to be mostly articulated by elaborating and presenting the narratives within the IG. With the strategy of integrating DS into RRI practices, students took an investigative stance that brought school activities closer to making real changes in society. Communicating student production during and after completing the DS reinforced articulation between RRI and DS.
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