Análisis perceptivo de la entonación del castellano de Barcelona y del catalán de Barcelona
AMPER, perceptive test, Barcelona Catalan and Spanish, nucleus, sentence, declaratives, questions with , questions withoutAbstract
This research tests the perception of the intonation of declarations and yes/no questions of Spanish spoken in Barcelona and of Catalan spoken in the same city. In previous studies we had carried out the acoustic analysis and synthesis of such sentences. For this study seventy people have been asked to listen to some stimuli, which were the synthesis -without lexical content- of such sentences. Such stimuli correspond, thus, to declarative sentences and to two different kinds of interrogative sentences. The results obtained show that declarative modality and interrogative modality without «que» are recognized in a very high percentage of cases, therefore we infer that in such sentences the nucleous is the key element that allows to distinguish them on the bases of melody. In interrogative sentences with «que», which have a falling nucleous, the percentage of recognition is much lower. In addition to this, it is confirmed that the intonations of the two dialects considered are perceived as being very similar to each other, since in approximately half of the cases the interviewees have been unable to identify correctly the language corresponding to the stimulus.
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