Neurodidactic interventions at the secondary level. Strategies to enhance executive functions in the classroom
neurodidactic interventions, secondary level, executive functionsAbstract
In the academic literature, there is a paucity of studies that report on pedagogical interventions that enhance executive functions in adolescents. Therefore, the aim of this article is to disseminate teaching practices that demonstrate the applicability of neuroscience in the classroom. To this end, we present an experience in which neurodidactics was integrated with teachers’ pedagogical strategies to stimulate executive functions in secondary school classrooms. In this study, 25 teachers participated, divided by thematic affinity into departments (social sciences, exact and natural sciences, language practices, and art). The teachers systematized pedagogical activities taking into account the different executive functions. This experience shows the importance of ecological intervention, in which educators, from their curricular spaces and established programs, intervene in favor of improving executive functions. This approach views the classroom as a natural environment from which and for which pedagogical intervention strategies are developed in light of neuroscientific findings, and positions the teacher as a mediator of this process, who plans their interventions to optimize the teaching and learning process according to how the brain learns.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Álvaro Federico Muchiut, Ariel Horacio Passamani, Sixto Emmanuel Sosa, Rosana Elisabeth Alegre

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