La enseñanza de la lectura y la escritura en Argentina
Reflexiones y aportes desde las neurociencias y la neuroeducación
reading, writing, neuroeducation, educational interventionAbstract
Introduction: The acquisition of written language or literacy is possible due to a series of complex skills that have been developed from oral language and vision, which have been modified from the exposure to this cultural tool. Human beings invented reading just a few millennials ago, and with this invention they modified the very organization of their brain, which expanded their ability to think. However, a large number of children and adolescents in Argentina do not learn to read or understand texts, and this cannot be attributed exclusively to aspects intrinsic to them, but, especially to educational and socio cultural and economic factors. The objective of this work is to carry out a review of significant researches on the reading brain, developed from the Neurosciences that should have an impact on educational proposals. There is also a description of the situation regarding literacy and the results obtained by Argentine students in the area of language practice regarding national and international tests, and an analysis of them. Conclusions: The pandemic and the suspension of face-to-face classes revealed the heterogeneity of the Argentine educational system, and the inequity in the distribution of resources. It is necessary to rethink reading and writing teaching methods based on scientific evidence, seeking to impact the curricular designs and the training of teachers.
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