Una aproximación al concepto de evaluación para el aprendizaje y al feedback con función reguladora a partir de los diarios docentes
professional development, reflective journals, evaluation, self-regulation, executive functions, feedbackAbstract
The sections that make up this work have been woven/spun from word learn. Learn derives from the Latin apprehendere, composed of the prefix ad- (towards), the prefix prae- (before) and the verb hendere (to take, to grasp, to grasp). Henedere also comes from hedera (ivy), tangling or catching.
In the first part, learning by discovering, a journey is made through the meaning of teacher professional development, self-regulation and metacognition in professional practice, the concept of executive functions and their relationship with self-regulation processes.
In the second part, learning by doing, the value of reflective diaries as a professional development tool is highlighted.
In the third part, learning by thinking, the research, the objectives, the methodological design, the categorization of the textual corpus, the results are shown, and a discussion is carried out that intertwines the results obtained with the evidence and theoretical studies.
In this work, qualitative interpretative research has been conducted based on the analysis and conceptualization of pedagogical reflections around the concept of evaluation of a group of active teachers throughout a training.
To this end, the textual corpus of reflective teaching journals has been analysed with the aim of setting up emerging categories in relation to evaluation, self-regulation and conceptualization of feedback based on reflections made from pedagogical practice and its relationship with contributions derived from scientific evidence and research.
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