Enough with Europe’s War against Migrants


  • Rada Iveković Collège International de Philosophie




migrants, refugees, women, debt, dispossession of the self, subaltern, translation regime, anthropocene, missing citizens, speciesm, immunisation, allies


The paper denounces Europe's war against refugees and migrants. It suggests that women could strategically find their best allies in these groups. Both women and refugees/migrants are "missing citizens" of sorts, and share the interest of deconstructing the curent neoliberal and masculinist hegemony. Regarding the latter, some abdicating of the subject's and the ego's firm entrenchment in their exclusive interests would help. It requires a political as well as cultural disposition that may take time to build, but the obvious advantages of which are already visible and widely shared.


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How to Cite

Iveković, R. 2018. Enough with Europe’s War against Migrants. Lectora: Journal of Women and Textuality. 24 (Oct. 2018), 13–26. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1344/Lectora2018.24.2.