Traducciones de la hospitalidad: la hauntología negra en «Candyman» (Nia DaCosta, 2021)
translation, hospitality, hauntology, black women filmmakers, Nia DaCostaAbstract
This paper analises Candyman (Nia DaCosta, 2021) whithin the context of African American women's contributions to the translations of Derridean hospitality. To understand how this translation works, hospitality and hauntology will be brought together, with especial interest in one of its current reformulations: black hauntology. With this framework and a narratological filmic analysis focused on the processes of visual meaning as our methodology, DaCosta's transformation of the concept of hospitality is explored. Following the analysis, it is concluded that the filmmaker, with her narrative rewriting, the spatial treatment, and her visibilisation as an author through filmic form, generates an exorcising framework which both reconceptualises hospitality and gives voice to the spectres of the violence suffered by African-American communities in the United States.
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