Els oficis de Canceller i de Regent: la cancelleria abans de l'esclat dels Segador


  • Miquel Àngel Martínez i Rodríguez


Cancelleria, Catalan High Cour, Institutional History.


In this article we pretend to improve our knowledge of those who had an important role in the judiciary system before the outbreak of the Segadors conflict, that’s to say, the Chancellors and the Regents la Cancelleria. Information on the special circumstances which surrounded their elections let us know those who made every possible effort in the council of Aragó to achieve their election. Sometimes their effort was enhanced by the actitude of the Viceroy, who also recommended the same person than the Council of Aragó. When both attitudes were arm in arm, the King could be more easily won over. We also provide useful data on their main rivals by paying attention on their real possibilities at that moment and in near future. But those who were elected not only had outstanding Chancellors, as a result of their previous experience in different ecclesiastical fields, were men used to face difficult situations. Nearly the same happened to the Regents la Cancelleria, but in this case we think their experience improved significantly when they entered the Catalan High Court, that’s to say, the Audiència. Although they were used to tackle important problems in their previous jobs.




How to Cite

Martínez i Rodríguez, M. Àngel . (2001) “Els oficis de Canceller i de Regent: la cancelleria abans de l’esclat dels Segador”, Pedralbes. Revista d’Història Moderna, 21, pp. 65–88. Available at: https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/pedralbes/article/view/36754 (Accessed: 16July2024).


