Els camins de la Reforma catòlica a la Catalunya dels segles XVI i XVII: de les ciutats al camp
Catalonia, Catholic Reformation, parish, convents, civic religionAbstract
The paths of the Catholic Reformationin Catalonia in the 16th and 17th centuries: from the cities to the countryside
The Catholic Reformation resulting from the Council of Trent spread in Catalonia in the 16th and 17th centuries by many and diverse paths from the “levitic” cities and towns. The agents responsible for this were numerous, both religious and civil: diocesan synods, parish priests, episcopal visitors, friar preachers, craftsmen who built churches and altarpieces, doctors, midwives and teachers, counselors and consuls. Despite the gradual distancing between country parishes and the diocesan capitals, the indoctrinating objectives were also implemented in rural and mountain areas. Farmhouses, as well as units of agricultural exploitation, became instruments of religious and pastoral framing.
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