INFOLING: Dissemination of Global Information on Hispanic Linguistics

A Resource for L2 Research




social media, academic networks, academic information, hispanic linguistics


In this article I analyze the structure and development of Infoling (, an online network for dissemination of global information on Hispanic linguistics, which began its activity in 1996, and has continued its task for more than 25 years. I present the process that led us to determine the functional and organizational structure of Infoling, as well as the definition of its contents, among which research on second languages (L2) has a relevant place. Likewise, I analyze the terms "Spanish language" and "Hispanic linguistics" in order to redefine them apart from ideological conceptualizations. Finally, I examine the creation and development of Infoling's new information channels, which allows Infoling to distribute book reviews and research papers on linguistic historiography. As for the immediate future, I examine the use of audiovisual platforms and metaverses, and their relevance to the dissemination of information on Hispanic linguistics


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Author Biography

Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg es catedrático emérito de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Su investigación se ha centrado en la semántica y la sintaxis cognitivas, el procesamiento automático del lenguaje y la historiografía lingüística. Entre sus publicaciones cabe destacar Sentential Complementation in Spanish (John Benjamins, 1987) e Introducción a la sintaxis léxica del español (Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2001). Es el director del proyecto de investigación de semántica cognitiva Spanish FrameNet. Entre otros proyectos recientes cabe destacar la realización de (1) una versión electrónica del Diccionario de ideas afines de Eduardo Benot (1899), y (2) el análisis de dicho diccionario como un fundamento lexicográfico de la crítica a la semántica referencial dentro de la lingüística hispánica.





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