Exploring JASP as a data analysis tool in L2 research: a snapshot
https://doi.org/10.1344/teisel.v3.45189Mots-clés :
second language acquisition research, L2 writing, data analysisRésumé
This paper explores the potential of JASP (Jeffreys’s Amazing Statistics Program, https://jasp-stats.org/) as a robust statistical tool in advancing Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research, with a specific emphasis on its application within the domain of L2 writing. Second language writing proficiency is a complex and multifaceted skill, demanding rigorous empirical investigation to uncover nuanced patterns and insights. JASP, known for its user-friendly interface and advanced statistical capabilities, emerges as a promising instrument for researchers seeking to unravel the intricacies of L2 writing development. The paper begins by providing an overview of the features embedded in JASP and continues to discuss some of the extant research within the field of SLA that implements JASP as a data analysis tool. Follows is a detailed description of the use of JASP in two L2 writing papers, in which the data analysis decisions are discussed. Furthermore, the discussion delves into the practical implications of utilizing JASP in L2 writing research, including its ability to accommodate small sample sizes, handle complex interactions, and facilitate transparent and reproducible analyses. The paper concludes by advocating for the widespread adoption of JASP in SLA research, positing that its integration holds the promise of advancing our understanding of the intricacies of L2 writing development and contributing to the refinement of pedagogical approaches in second language education.
(c) Tous droits réservés Sophie McBride, Aitor Garcés-Manzanera 2024
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