Editorial of Issue number 4 of Tourism and Heritage Journal



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Crane, R. (2019). A sea of islands, a sea of crime: island crime fiction in the Aegean Sea. Island Studies Journal, 14(1), 175-186. https://doi.org/10.24043/isj.85

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Light, D. (2017a). The undead and dark tourism: Dracula tourism in Romania. In G. Hooper and J.J. Lennon (Eds.), Dark Tourism: Practice and Interpretation (pp. 121-133). Routledge.

Light, D. (2017b). Travel and tourism in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. In M.-M. Crișan (Ed.), Dracula: An international perspective (pp.139-156). Palgrave.

McEvoy, E. (2016). Gothic Tourism. Palgrave.

Reijnders, S. (2011). Stalking the count: Dracula, fandom and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(1), 231–248.

Spooner, C. (2017). Post-millennial Gothic: Comedy, romance and the rise of Happy Gothic. Bloomsbury.

van Es, N. & Reijnders, S. (2015). Chasing sleuths and unravelling the metropolis: Analysing the tourist experience of Sherlock Holmes’s London, Philip Marlowe’s Los Angeles and Lisbeth Salander’s Stockholm. Annals of Tourism Research, 57, 113-125. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2015.11.017




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Arcos-Pumarola, J., & Baleiro, R. (2023). Editorial of Issue number 4 of Tourism and Heritage Journal . Tourism and Heritage Journal, 4. Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/tourismheritage/article/view/41818


