ICT Usage determinants among Tanzania World Heritage sites


  • Thereza Israel Mugobi Open University of Tanzania
  • Shogo Richard Mlozi Senior Lecturer Open University of Tanzania Po Box 23409 Dar es Salaam



Palabras clave:

TEnvironmental, ICT usage, Organizational, Technological, World Heritage sites.


This study aimed to assess the determinants of ICT usage at UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Tanzania. Data for this study were collected from August 2017 to February 2018 from 238 World Heritage Site decision-makers. The study stratified these respondents into three strata based on UNESCO’s categorization of WHSs type (nature, mixed, and culture). Systematic random sampling was then used to select respondents from each stratum according to their ratio in the population. Descriptive statistics examined the kurtosis and skewness indices of the output. Testing of the hypotheses involved structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis techniques. The results indicated that WHSs decision-makers would increasingly use ICT when they perceive a relative advantage (PR) and a higher level of perceived less complexity (PCL). Moreover, a higher level of ICT support infrastructures (INF) and support skills (SS) would result in a greater level of ICT usage. Lastly, a higher level of perceived competitive pressure (PCP) and perceived pressure from customers (PPC) would result in a greater level of ICT usage.

Only one variable, perceived compatibility, did not have a statistical significant relationship on ICT usage and determine to be an insignificant factor that can influence ICT usage at WHSs. A significant contribution is that the study contributes to expanding the knowledge base of the use of ICT technologies in the tourism industry. The study could be used to develop more robust models concerning ICT determinant factors, not only to WHSs but to other tourism sectors such as training institutions, hotels, ICT vendors, consultants, and the government in Tanzania.

Biografía del autor/a

Thereza Israel Mugobi, Open University of Tanzania

Department of Tourism and Hospitalitt

Shogo Richard Mlozi, Senior Lecturer Open University of Tanzania Po Box 23409 Dar es Salaam

Senir Lecturer

Department of Tourism and Hospitality

Open Univeristy of Tanzania


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Cómo citar

Mugobi, T. I., & Mlozi, S. R. (2020). ICT Usage determinants among Tanzania World Heritage sites. Tourism and Heritage Journal, 2, 41–57. https://doi.org/10.1344/THJ.2020.2.4


