DOI: clave:
Estudios de traducción, Relaciones Internacionales, Begriffsgeschichte, Juegos Olímpicos, Nacionalismo en los deportesResumen
Este documento establece un diálogo crítico entre tres tipos de
actividades transnacionales: la traducción, los Juegos Olímpicos
y las relaciones internacionales. Las tres actividades involucran
amicitia interestatal, donde el traduttore/traditore no se puede
distinguir claramente, y donde la amistad/enemistad no se
pueden separar fácilmente. El ensayo también busca arrojar
nueva luz sobre las relaciones internacionales a través de los
Estudios de Traducción, y demostrar cómo la política
internacional se puede examinar como la "política de traducción"
en acción.
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BILLOWS, Richard. (2007). “International Relations.” Greece, the Hellenistic World and
the Rise of Rome. Vol. 1 of The Cambridge history of Greek and Roman Warfare.
Ed. Philip Sabin, Hans Van Wees and Michael Whitby. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
CHAN, Adrian. (2003). Chinese Marxism. London: Continuum.
CHENG, Sinkwan. (2014). “Translatio Temporis and Translatio Imperii: From
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Interdisciplina-rity. Ed. David Ten Eyck, Claudine Armand, and Vanessa Boullet.
Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy, pp. 181-211.
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Nobert Bachleitner, Paul Ferstl, Daniel Syrovy, and Gianna Zocco (eds.). The
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DIRLIK, Arif. (1997). “Mao Zedong and ‘Chinese Marxism.’” In: Carr, Brian and Indira
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DYRESON, Mark. (1998). “Armed Forces Games.” In: Levinson, David and Karen
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FAN, Hong and Zhouxiang Lu. (2014). The Politicisation of Sport in Modern China:
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GALTUNG, Johan. (1982). “Sport as Carrier of Deep Culture and Structure.” Current
Research on Peace and Violence, 5: 2-13.
GRAY, John. (2014). “How the West Embraced Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book.” New
Statesman, 23 (May). Rev. of Mao's Little Red Book: A Global History, ed.
Alexander C Cook. (Last access: November 1, 2015).
GUTTMANN, Alan. (1994). Games and Empires: Modern Sports and Cultural
Imperialism. New York: Columbia Univer-sity Press.
HOGANSON, Kristin. (1998). Fighting for American Manhood: How Gender Politics
Provoked the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars. New Haven: Yale
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HUANG, Cary. (2015). “57 Nations Approved as Founder Members of China-Led AIIB.”
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JIN, Dapeng, Arne LJUNGQVIST, and Hans TROEDSSON, (eds). (2010). The Health
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KEYS, Barbara J. (2006). Globalizing Sport: National Rivalry and International
Community in the 1930s. Cambridge, MA and London, England: Harvard
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KONTLER, László. (2009). “Translation and Comparison, Trans-lation as Comparison:
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Contributions to the History of Concepts, 4: 226-38.
LACKNER, Michael, Iwo AMELUNG and Joachim KURTZ, (eds). (2001). New Terms for
New Ideas: Western Knowledge and Lexical Change in Late Imperial China.
Leiden: Brill.
LAM, Lai Sing. (2007). The International Environment and China's Twin Models of
Development. Oxford; New York: Peter Lang.
LEESE, Daniel. (2014). “A Single Spark: Origins and Spread of the Little Red Book in
China.”. In: Cook, Alexander C., ed. Mao’s Little Red Book: A Global History.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 23-42.
LI, Xiao. (2004). “China and the Olympic Movement.” January 5. (Last access: May 9,
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MASON, Tony. (2006). “England 1966.” In: Alan Tomlinson and Christopher Young
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‘State/Civil Society’ (体育与运动之间: 从廻异於西方「国家/市民社会」二分传统的发
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WANG, Weiguang. (2014). “Mao Zedong is the Great Founder, Explorer and Pioneer of
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