From Kiev to Weimar: the use of the retrospective method for learning Contemporary history (2022-1919)


  • David Carbonell Gou Institut Illa de Rodes
  • Ernest Parellada Torres Institut Illa de Rodes



retrospective method, active methodologies, TILC, educational competence approach, Russian invasion of Ukraine


Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the authors of this article decided to rethink their syllabus and designed as well as implemented a project titled "From Kiev to Weimar: a reverse chronology of the contemporary world (2022-1919)”. The project aims at the acquisition of a global vision of the contemporary world, the use of historical knowledge to argue ideas and review them critically and the development of critical and creative thinking for analysing relevant social problems. As regards the methodology, it revolves around three key elements: the application of the retrospective method, the integrated language and content approach (TILC) and the use of active methodologies. The project is, therefore, aligned with the guidelines established in both the LOMLOE and the new Catalan curriculum. This work, still in its implementation stage, has presented two difficulties so far: on the one hand, it has faced some students’ struggle against a methodology not based on the chronological presentation of facts for their memorization. On the other hand, the project requires a vast amount of effort by teachers to program and carefully plan all the tasks. However, these difficulties have been overcome by the degree of participation and motivation awakened in the classroom, which has become a much more participatory space, open to debate and opinion.


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Didactic research