New Early Views Articles
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Llegir més sobre New Early Views ArticlesJournal of Evolutionary Studies in Business accepts proposals for Special Issues.
Instructions to send Special Issue Proposals:
Guest editors interested in submitting Special Issue proposals should send the following to the journal email ( or to any of the editors in chief.
Special Issue proposals must contain:
A short description (500 words) of the theme, research questions, literature gaps, new research venues to be covered with the proposed special issue, and references.
Short bios (150 words) of the academic and scientific professional work of the guest editors and proposed authors.
A list of a minimum of 6 possible proposed articles including: title, name and academic affiliation of authors, short abstract (250 words).
A proposed calendar that considers at least two rounds of reviews and two rounds of revisions for each paper.
The editors of the journal will select those proposals that align with the research agenda of the journal and represent relevant contributions in the field of businesses analyzed in a dynamic perspective. If accepted, the guest editors will commit to writing a relevant state of the art of the theme studied in the special issue for the introduction, and to follow and take care of each stage of the reviewing and production process in coordination with the responsible assigned editor in chief.
All the submitted manuscripts will be anonymously peer-reviewed, following ethics code and peer-review policies of this journal. Final acceptance of submissions is, therefore, not guaranteed.
Online Version Before Inclusion in an Issue
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Llegir més Llegir més sobre New Early Views ArticlesDear Colleagues,
The Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business has just published its latest July 2024 Issue, V. 9, No. 2 online. Special Issue "The Evolution of China and Its Rising Multinationals". Guest editors: Lourdes Casanova (Cornell University), Limin Chen (Wuhan University), Anne Miroux (Cornell University)
Free open access, at
The editorial team invites you to review the Table of Contents, visit our web site, view and download abstracts as well as the pdfs of the articles of your interest.
You can also share the articles from the journal website to your social networks.
Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business
Indexed: SCOPUS, REDIB, CARHUS+2018, DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, Dialnet, Latindex, Google Scholars, RACO, MIAR, ROAD.
Llegir més Llegir més sobre JESB new issue: Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): The Evolution of China and Its Rising MultinationalsLourdes Casanova, after almost 5 years of enthusiastic commitment and dedication to the journal steps down as Coeditor in Chief of Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business. All the team greatly acknowledges her many contributions to the advance of the journal in these years and wish her the best on her other many academic activities as Gail and Roberto Cañizares Director of the Emerging Markets Institute, and Professor at the Johnson Business School of Cornell University in the United States.
The journal welcomes two new members in the Editorial Team, active since 2024:
Beatriz Rodriguez-Satizabal, Professor at the Universidad del Pacífico in Lima, Peru, and President of the Colombian Association of Economic Historians, as new Coeditor in Chief in collaboration with the other two Coeditors in Chief of the journal Paloma Fernández Pérez and Allan Discua Cruz.
Pablo Algarrada Vera, Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Barcelona in Spain, as new Copyeditor Assistant, in collaboration with our Journal technical manager Raimon Soler
All the editorial team of JESB wants to express gratitude to Professor Casanovas, and all the best in the new projects in the journal to Professor Rodriguez-Satizabal and our new Copyeditor Assistant Pablo Algarrada
Llegir més Llegir més sobre New members of the Editorial Team Beatriz Rodriguez-Satizabal (new Coeditor in Chief) and Pablo Algarrada (new Copyeditor Assistant)Scopus Cite Score 2023 Released: 1.4, 38% Percentile in Social Sciences
Llegir més Llegir més sobre Scopus Cite Score 2023 Released: 1.4, 38% Percentile in Social SciencesDear Colleagues,
The Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business has just published its latest January 2024 Issue, V. 9, No. 1 online. Special Issue "Heritage and Legacy in Small Family Firms in Latin America". Guest editors: Claudio Müller (Universidad de Chile), and María de los Ángeles Lucero-Bringas (Universidad Católica Argentina)
Free open access, at
The editorial team invites you to review the Table of Contents, visit our web site, view and download abstracts as well as the pdfs of the articles of your interest.
You can also share the articles from the journal website to your social networks.
Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business
Indexed: SCOPUS, REDIB, CARHUS+2018, DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, Dialnet, Latindex, Google Scholars, RACO, MIAR, ROAD.
Llegir més Llegir més sobre JESB new issue: Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Heritage and Legacy in Small Family Firms in Latin AmericaNew issue of the Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business
Volume 8, number 2 (2023)
Llegir més Llegir més sobre JESB New issue: vol. 8, n. 2Special issue
Global Merchants in Spanish America: Business, Networks and Independence (1800-1830)
Guest editors:
Deborah Besseghini (Università degli Studi di Torino)
Ander Permanyer-Ugartemendia (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business has joined the community of journals supporting the mission of the Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS), next 2023 celebrating first 40 years of History.
Llegir més Llegir més sobre JESB joins the community of publications supporting the Business Association of Latin American StudiesAquesta special issue vol aplegar estudis que explorin els rols (líders, treballadores, consumidoers, accionistes o inversores, entre d'altres) que les dones han assumit activament mentre participaven en l'economia des dels anys cinquanta. Les editores d'aquesta SI estan especialment interessades en articles de recerca que identifiquin el canvi i la transformació al llarg del temps d'aquests rols, ja sigui en un sector econòmic o en una indústria o dins d'una organització concreta, tant si es refereix a sectors o dimensions -micro, petita i mitjana empresa i grans empreses nacionals i transnacionals. Donem la benvinguda a les propostes teòriques i empíriques que qüestionin els supòsits culturalment formats que les dones del Nord global tenen més poder i accés a més papers en l'economia. El període de temps es limita a la segona meitat del segle XX amb l'objectiu d'entendre com els processos històrics i els canvis en els llocs de treball i l'educació, com la transformació dels anys 70 en el treball que portà les dones a treballar fora de la llar i a un major nombre de dones en l'àmbit superior. L'educació, o les protestes i els disturbis socials als Estats Units i Europa dels anys 60, van afectar la manera com les dones es van convertir en actores empresarials durant l'època.
Llegir més Llegir més sobre Call for Papers: Women in the Economy Since the 1950s: Change and Transformation in Expected and Contested RolesSpecial Issue
Guest editors:
Josep Miquel Pique (Innova Institute. La Salle –Ramon Llull University)
Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (Universitat de Barcelona)
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Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business has a podcast in New Books Network, under the coordination of our associate editor Paula de la Cruz-Fernández:
First interview, February 15th 2022
Llegir més Llegir més sobre JESB podcast with interviews starting February 15th 2022Special Issue
Latin American Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Historical Perspective
Guest editors: María Inés Barbero (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and Javier Vidal Olivares (Universidad de Alicante)
Published: 2022-01-12 Llegir més Llegir més sobre New issue Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Latin America: A Historical PerspectiveThe Journal of evolutionary studies in business publishes periodically tweets to share with you short information about new articles, issues, and announcements. You can just access the link and follow our tweets:
Editorial Board, Journal of evolutionary studies in business
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Special Issue proposals on relevant themes and research questions closely related to the research agenda of the journal are welcome. Instructions to submit Special Issue proposals are indicated below.
Llegir més Llegir més sobre Special Issue Proposals
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Authors transfer to Universitat de Barcelona all copyright
Created from a work avaible in
CiteScore (Scopus) 2023 Edition — Impact factor (CiteScore): 1.4. Q3 in Social Sciences-Development; Q4 in Business, Management and Accounting-Business and International Management; Q4 in Business, Management and Accounting-Strategy and Management; Q4 in Business, Management and Accounting-Management of Technology and Innovation.
SJR (Scimago) 2022 Edition — Q3 in Business and International Management; Q3 in Development; Q4 in Management of Technology and Innovation; Q4 in Strategy and Management. Impact factor (SJR): 0.222.
IDR (Dialnet Metrics) — C2 in Economics. Impact factor (IDR): 0,22
SNIP — 3.077.