Post-Covid education and students with disabilities or with specific educational support needs: normative framework and experiences




Teaching, Higher education, Digital accessibility, Digital skills, Covid-19


The aim of this research is to summarise thoughts, feelings and demands of lecturers, students and support staff in relation to special needs education, within the context of a legal framework with stated compromises and legal duties. The research is contextualized in the COVID-19 pandemics online or hybrid teaching, and it compares the statements of stakeholders with the recommendations issued by universities during this period and with existing best practices. The article aims to give an answer to the following questions: Which are the most important measures for students with special needs in this situation? Which are the most important for lecturers? How can we get ready for similar emergency situations? The methodology consisted in a review of the legal and standard framework, and a thematic analysis of 45 semi-structured interviews to students (27), lecturers (10), and support staff (8). The most problematic areas for students,lecturers and support staff are the inaccessibility of online teaching, virtual classrooms, teaching material, exams and assessment exercises. Students also emphasize the need for emotional/social support and the lack of it.

Author Biographies

Lluc Massaguer Busqueta, Open University of Catalonia

Professor of Information and Communication Sciences Studies

Rubén Alcaraz Martínez, University of Barcelona

Associate professor at the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media

Mireia Ribera Turró, University of Barcelona

Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics


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2021-10-15 — Updated on 2022-01-17

How to Cite

Massaguer Busqueta, L. ., Alcaraz Martínez, R. ., & Ribera Turró, M. . (2022). Post-Covid education and students with disabilities or with specific educational support needs: normative framework and experiences. Education and Law Review, (1 Extraordinario), 484–513.