Ethical and legal considerations of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: challenges and perspectives




Education, Artificial intelligence, Scientific Integrity, Freedom of Research, GPT Chat


The use of Artificial Intelligence, hereafter AI, has become widespread in the academic and student community. ChatGPT is a generative language modelling tool that presents opportunities and challenges beyond regulation. Ethical principles and a prospective law must be combined with a proper education of the educational community in order to use AI as a tool in knowledge generation and not mere decontextualised information that can lead to failure in the goals of higher education as well as the goals of the larger social development of modern society, which is an inclusive and solidarity-based education.

Author Biographies

Isabel Cornejo- Plaza, Autonomous University of Chile

Director of the research group in Neurolaws, Neuroethics, Artificial Intelligence, Metaverso and Economic Behavior (Neurometa) at the Institute of Legal Research (IID), Universidad Autónoma de Chile.

Roberto Cippitani, Universita Degli studi di Perugia

Professor Jean Monnet of the University of Perugia (Italy); full professor and president of the Academic Committee, Judicial Master's Degree, Judicial School of the Judicial Power of the State of Oaxaca (Mexico) and of INDEPAC - Institute of Superior Studies in Penal Law (Mexico); Associate researcher of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy), CNR-IFAC.


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How to Cite

Cornejo- Plaza, I. ., & Cippitani, R. . (2023). Ethical and legal considerations of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: challenges and perspectives. Education and Law Review, (28).