Learning based on the use of AI tools: augmented reality experience in the subject “Notions of Economics” with law students from the Metropolitan Technological University of the State of Chile





Artificial Intelligence, AI, Law, Education, Technological Innovation, Augmented Reality, AR


The dynamic evolution of technology has significantly modified the methods used in education, allowing the integration of tools based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to contribute to the improvement of teaching-learning processes. In this sense, AI offers diverse solutions as work support, according to the different support needs in the educational context and the emerging needs of students, as well as social and technological changes. The research describes an active methodology activity, with the implementation of an AI tool based on Augmented Reality (AR), developed in the classroom for the subject "Notions of Economics" of the Law degree at the Technological University Metropolitan (UTEM). Using a quantitative methodology, the students' perception of the use of applied technologies in education was evaluated. After the learning experience, the students evaluated the activity. The results show that learning based on AI tools turned out to be valuable in activating participation, interactivity and facilitating a deeper and more practical understanding of the subject. In this way, the role of the students was highlighted during the development of the teaching activity and, simultaneously, it allowed one of the hallmarks of the institution to be put into practice, which is technology, and at the same time it is one of the characteristics of the graduation profile of the Law degree.

Author Biographies

Mabel Cándano Pérez

Doctor of Law, Full-time Professor at the School of Law at the Metropolitan Technological University, Researcher at the Interuniversity Institute for Educational Research (IESED-Chile) in the area of ​​Equity and Quality in Higher Education.

Nicolás Del Solar-Duarte

Master in Public Law, Full-time Professor at the School of Law, Metropolitan Technological University of the State of Chile (UTEM). Researcher at the Interuniversity Institute for Educational Research (IESED-Chile) in the area of ​​Equity and Quality in Higher Education.

Rebeca Remeseiro Reguero

PhD in Law, Full-time Professor at the School of Law of the Metropolitan Technological University of the State of Chile (UTEM). Researcher at the Interuniversity Institute for Educational Research (IESED-Chile) in the area of ​​University Governance.

Pedro Luis Bracho-Fuenmayor

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor at the School of Law of the Metropolitan Technological University of the State of Chile (UTEM). Researcher at the Interuniversity Institute for Educational Research (IESED-Chile) in the area of ​​Equity and Quality in Higher Education.

Carmen Gloria Baeza Ugarte

PhD in Psychology, Director of the School of Psychology at the Metropolitan Technological University of the State of Chile (UTEM). Researcher at the Interuniversity Institute for Educational Research (IESED-Chile) in the area of ​​Teaching-Learning in the School System.

Marcela Guzmán Sánchez

PhD in Psychotherapy, Quality Assurance Coordinator, Metropolitan Technological University of the State of Chile (UTEM).


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How to Cite

Cándano Pérez, M., Del Solar-Duarte, N., Remeseiro Reguero, R., Bracho-Fuenmayor, P. L., Baeza Ugarte, C. G., & Guzmán Sánchez, M. (2025). Learning based on the use of AI tools: augmented reality experience in the subject “Notions of Economics” with law students from the Metropolitan Technological University of the State of Chile. Education and Law Review, (2 Extraordinario), 331–353. https://doi.org/10.1344/REYD2024.2 Extraordinario.49196