Romana civitas Caesaraugusta. A didactic and interactive itinerary through ICT tools




didactic pathway, archaeological heritage, ICT, GIS


INTRODUCTION. The emergency situation caused by the COVID-19 crisis put the spotlight on the need to modernize teaching methodologies through the use of new technologies to ensure meaningful learning for the students and to adapt the teaching process to the telematic environment.

METHOD. To present a didactic pathway as a method to teach key aspects of Roman culture and its organization in a city, in Geography and History classes in the first year of secondary school, , and to discuss its efficiency.

RESULTS. A series of activities and resources were designed, based above all on ICT and GIS tools, which introduce pupils to new tools for compiling, interpreting and communicating information related to Roman culture. This approach led to an improvement in the quality of the teaching-learning process.

DISCUSSION. The academic tradition conceived a single transmitter of information  (the teacher) and a single recipient (the pupil), but the use of ICT allows pupils to feel the heritage as their own, instead of something remote and unconnected with their reality.


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How to Cite

Corbatón Martínez, C. (2023). Romana civitas Caesaraugusta. A didactic and interactive itinerary through ICT tools. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 16(2), 1–15.



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