Authors Guidelines



  • 42,000 characters (20 pages of 2,100 characters each).


  • Name of the author
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Email address
  • ORCID number
  • Title of the article in the same language as the article and also in English
  • Indicative abstract (which must not exceed 200 words) in the language of the article as well as in English.
  • Key words in both languages


  • The official languages of the journal are Catalan, Spanish, French, English, Italian, Portuguese and German.


  • Main body: Times New Roman 12, 1.5 line spacing
  • Footnotes: Times New Roman 10, simple line spacing
  • Final bibliography: Times New Roman 12, simple line spacing within each reference, double line spacing between references
  • Neither the main body of the text nor the footnotes will be justified


Quotations will be provided in the original language. The translation can be included in a footnote.

Short Quotations (up to 3 lines) 

  • Enclosed between single quotation marks (‘...’),
  • Roman type
  • Within the main body of the text


Tal com assenyala el mateix autor ‘Les conquestes islàmica i franca van produir canvis en el poblament’ (Bolos 2004: 270).

Single quotation marks will also be used to enclose colloquial expressions, words used in a particular non-conventional sense or words written in a different language.


Es basava en l’existència d’unes ciutats, unes fortificacions o ‘husun’ i unes alqueries.

Long Quotations (more than three lines)

  • Must appear as displayed quotations, indented
  • Without ‘...’
  • Font size 11


Tampoc podem ignorar altres aportacions que ens poden ajudar a comprendre aquest fenomen:

No es tracta, doncs, d’afirmar que la consagració del 1022 marcava el final d’un procés constructiu sinó que més aviat podia haver suposat la represa de l’obra inacabada de l’església, que hauria estat paralitzada durant els anys de depredacions del patrimoni. (Lores 1999: 291)


  • Please use footnotes instead of endnotes throughout the article
  • Footnotes will be referred to by a cue in the text in the form of a superior Arabic number
  • Cues will be placed after any punctuation (,3 ;4 .5)
  • Use the author-data system for references, such as Andaloro 2010 (with the author’s name in small caps)
  • Simple references will avoid footnotes and be included in the text between parentheses, for example:  (Aiguadé 1974:. 88, fig. 230)



  • Author-date system (small caps for the author’s name): Andaloro 2010
  • Enclosed between parentheses if they are included in the main body of the text: (Andaloro 2010)
  • Up to three authors, separated by commas: (Guardia, Lorés, Mancho 2008)
  • For more than three authors use the expression ‘et al.’: (Rivera et al. 2006). The final bibliography will include the names of all the authors
  • Include pages numbers after a colon (:) and figure numbers separated by commas and abbreviated as (fig.): (Reynolds Brown, Kidd, Little 2000: 145, fig. 3)
  • Use the en rule (–) closed up in elements that form a range. For series of non-correlated pages use commas (,): (Guardia, Mancho 2008: 45-47, fig. 3-4). (Reynolds Brown, Kidd, Little 2000: 145,154, fig. 3, 8)
  • In case of a document lacking the author’s name, collective works (with or without editors) and conference proceedings, use the first relevant words of the title for reference: (España medieval 2005)
  • If the work is still in press, use the expression ‘in press’ instead of the date: (Palazzo in press)
  • If two or more works share both author and date, add letters in alphabetical order to the date: (Palazzo 2010a)

Final Bibliography

Complete bibliographic references must be included at the end of the article, headed by the word ‘Bibliography’ in bold style and font size 12, in alphabetical order and with double line spacing (simple spacing within each reference).

Bibliographic references must be provided according to the current edition of The Chicago manual of style and the Catalan adaptation of regulations ISO 690 and ISO 690-2, composed by Assumpció Estivill and Cristóbal Urbano.

  • Author’s (or authors’) last name in small caps followed by a comma and the first (and middle) names followed by a comma:

Bolos, Jordi,

Guardia, Milagros, Mancho, Carles,

  • Collective works, with or without editor, will use the first words of the title instead of the author’s name:


España medieval,

  • Date must always follow authors’ names and be followed by a full stop.

Bolos, Jordi, 2004.

  • Works still in press can be cited if their publication is in progress, the expression ‘in press’ will subtitute the date:

Palazzo, Eric, in press.

  • If two or more works share both author and date, add letters in alphabetical order to the date: a, b, c
  • The author’s name will not be repeated, and all references, except the first one, will be indented and headed by an em rule (—):

Cook, Walter, 1923a.


  • Titles of books and journals will be written in italics
  • Titles of articles and book chapters will be written in roman style and enclosed between double quotation marks (“...”)
  • Titles will be followed by a comma

Bolos, Jordi, 2004. Els orígens medievals del paisatge català,

Guardia, Milagros, Mancho, Carles, 2008. “Pedret, Boí, o dels orígens de la pintura mural romànica catalana”, Fonts de la pintura romànica catalana,

Clark, Burton R., 1960. “The Cooling-Out function in Higher Education”, American Journal of Sociology,

  • The place of publication, given in its original language, must appear after the title and followed by a comma (,)
  • The publisher’s name must follow the comma

Bolos, Jordi, 2004a. Els orígens medievals del paisatge català, Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Catalans

2004b. Atles de la Catalunya medieval, Barcelona, Dalmau editors

Kessler, Herbert, 1994. Studies in pictorial narrative, London, The Pindar Press

  • In the case of journals, volume number, issue number and page numbers appear after the journal title, separated by commas
  • Page numbers are written after a colon (:)

Clark, Burton R., 1960. “The Cooling-Out function in Higher Education”, American Journal of Sociology, 65, 5: 569-576,

  • The series title will appear if deemed necessary. It will appear in roman type, enclosed between parentheses, after the place of publication and before the publisher’s name, separated from it by a comma

Sancho i Planas, Marta, 1999. Homes, fargues, ferro i foc. Arqueologia i documentació per a l’estudi de la producció de ferro en època medieval, Barcelona, (Cultura, Tècnica i Societat, 17), Marcombo

  • The formulas AAVV and VVAA will not be used
  • The name of the editors of collective works will appear after the title in roman type with the initial of the first name followed by a full stop and the last name, always followed by the abbreviation ed. or eds. enclosed between parentheses and followed by a comma. For two or more editors, their names will be separated by commas:

Mahomet, 2001, De Mahomet à Charlemagne: la Méditerranée et l'art, M. Andaloro, G. M. Borrás Gualis, E. Carbonell, R. Cassanelli (eds.), Paris, Citadelles & Mazenod

  • Websites and other electronic documents will be referred to by their complete URL address and the last consultation date between square brackets [  ] according to the following system: [2011/11/27]
  • If the DOI number is provided the URL is not necessary. The DOI number will appear at the end, after the abbreviation ‘doi’ and a colon, without providing consultation date and with an active hyperlink
  • If there is an online version of a printed work, it will also be provided. The URL address of articles and texts will follow the same system:

Venturelli, Paola, 2011. “La situla eburnea di Gotofredo del Duomo di Milano: segnalazione di quattro copie”, OADI: Rivista dell'Osservatorio per le Arti Decorative in Italia, 3: 15-58,, [2011/11/07]

Clark, Burton R., 1960. “The Cooling-Out function in Higher Education”, American Journal of Sociology, 65, 5: 569-576, doi: 10.1086/222787

Examples of Final Bibliography:


Bolos, Jordi, 2004. Els orígens medievals del paisatge català, Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Catalans

Clark, Burton R., 1960. “The Cooling-Out function in Higher Education”, American

Journal of Sociology, 65, 5: 569-576, doi: 10.1086/222787

Cook, Walter, 1923a. “The earliest painted panels of Catalonia [I]”, The Art Bulletin, 5, 4: 96-101.

 —1923b. “The earliest painted panels of Catalonia [II]”, The Art Bulletin, 6, 2: 31-50

España medieval, 2005. España Medieval y el legado de occidente, Madrid, Lunwerg

Guardia, Milagros, Mancho, Carles, 2008. “Pedret, Boí, o dels orígens de la pintura mural romànica catalana”, Fonts de la pintura romànica catalana, Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona: 117-160

Kessler, Herbert, 1994. Studies in pictorial narrative, London, The Pindar Press

Lladonosa, Josep, 1950. Manuel de Montsuar (1410-1491): la historia de un gran carácter al servicio de las instituciones leridanas, Lleida, Instituto de Estudios Ilerdenses

 —1962. Manuel de Montsuar, President de Catalunya (1410-1491), Barcelona, Rafael Dalmau

Mahomet, 2001, De Mahomet à Charlemagne: la Méditerranée et l'art, M. Andaloro, G. M. Borrás Gualis, E. Carbonell, R. Cassanelli (eds.), Paris, Citadelles & Mazenod

Manote Clivilles, Maria Rosa, 1990. “La lauda sepulcral de l’Arquebisbe de Tarragona Pere de Sagarriga”, Quaderns d'Història Tarraconense, 10: 31-38

Palazzo, Eric, in press. “Art and liturgy”, The Grove encyclopedia of medieval art. Oxford, Oxford University Press

Reynolds, Katharine, Kidd, Dafydd, Little, Charles T., 2000. From Attila to Charlemagne: arts of the early medieval period in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Rivera, Milagros, Jornet, Núria, Vinyoles, Teresa, Garí, Blanca, García, Maria Carmen, Varela, Elisa, 2006. Las relaciones en la Historia de la Europa Medieval, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch

Sancho i Planas, Marta, 1999. Homes, fargues, ferro i foc. Arqueologia i documentació per a l’estudi de la producció de ferro en època medieval, Barcelona, (Cultura, Tècnica i Societat, 17), Marcombo

Smeyers, Maurits, 1995. “An Eyckian vera icon in a Bruges book of hours, ca. 1450”, Serta devota: in memoriam Guillelmi Lourdeaux, W. Verbeke, M. Haverals , R. De Keyser,  J. Goossens (eds.), Leuven, Leuven University Press: 195-224

Trésors, 2007. Trésors carolingiens: livres manuscrits de Charlemagne à Charles le Chauve. M.P. Laffitte, Ch. Danoël, M. Besseyre (eds.), Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France

Venturelli, Paola, 2011. “La situla eburnea di Gotofredo del Duomo di Milano: segnalazione di quattro copie”, OADI: Rivista dell'Osservatorio per le Arti Decorative in Italia, 3: 15-58,, [2011/11/07]

Manuscript sources

The references to manuscript sources will be given in footnote style according to the following system:

  • The different parts of the reference will be separated by commas, with a full stop at the end
  • Titles will be written in italics
  • The abbreviation of the archive’s name will be indicated between parentheses in the first mention to it and will substitute the complete name therafter


Arxiu Històric de la ciutat de Barcelona (AHCB), 1B. Consell de Cent i 1C. Consellers-XVII, 1. Memorial 1370-1371. f. 7v-8r.

AHCB, Consellers, Testaments dels consellers, 1C-XVII, 1, Memorial 1370-1371, f. 9v-10r.

Arxiu Capitular de Tortosa (ACT), Comú, calaix II, pergamí 31.

Biblioteca de l’Ateneu Barcelonès (BAB). Clavaria o rebudes, 1452. Ms. 39. f. 39r.

Arxiu Històric Comarcal de les Terres de l’Ebre (AHCTE), Fons de l’Ajuntament de Tortosa. Llibre de Provisions, 33. f. 22v-23r.

Arxiu Històric de Protocols de Barcelona (AHPB). Bartomeu Requesens, Quartus liber testamentorum et aliarum ultimarum voluntatum, 1482 març 27-1504, des. 21. f. 13r-14v.

Figures and Captions

  • Authors will provide digitized images
  • Only one figure per page will be accepted
  • Minimum resolution 300 dpi
  • Accepted file formats: TIF o JPG.
  • Images must be provided separately and under no circumstances embedded in a MSWord document.
  • Images will be sent in a CD/DVD. Each file will be identified with the figure number corresponding to its place in the text (fig. 1).
  • A text file will also be included containing captions for each image

Captions will include:

  • Figure number
  • Title or description
  • Current location and author and the archive or institution holding its copyright

Authors are responsible for providing permissions to reproduce images online or use the formula ‘author’s archive’.

Images will be referred to by a cue in the text in the following form: (fig. 1).

Guidelines for Submission

Authors must verify that their articles comply with the following guidelines. Otherwise, submitted articles will be returned.

  1. The article has not been previously published and has not been submitted for publication by another journal (if it has, provide details at ‘Comments for the editor’)
  2. The article is submitted as an MSWord, RTF or WordPerfect document.
  3. URL addresses have been provided when possible
  4. The text uses simple line spacing, font size 12 and italics instead of underlining (with the only exception of URL addresses). Illustrations, figures and tables are cued in their correct position and not at the end of the text.
  5. The text complies with SVMMA’s authors guidelines
  6. For submissions to peer reviewed sections, the instructions of ‘Ensuring blind peer review’ have been followed

Copyright notice

All authors submitting their work to SVMMA agree to the following terms:

A. Authors keep the copyright of their work and assign to SVMMA Revista de Cultures Medievals the right to publish it for the first time under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Spain Creative Commons Licence. Redistribution of the work is allowed but requires attribution to the original author, non-commercial purpose and allowing derivative works under the same licence.

B. Authors are free to settle independent contracts for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in SVMMA (as for example the publication of the article in an institutional repository or a book), on the understanding that the original publication must be duly cited.

C. SVMMA encourages authors to publish online (for instance in institutional repositories or at their own websites), with the aim of achieving productive exchange and more citations (see ‘The Effect of Open Access’).

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses used in this Journal will be exclusively used with the purposes so declared in it, and will not be made available for other purposes or to other persons.