About the Journal
Basic data
ISSN: 2013-0864
Typology: electronic open access
License: Creative Commons - Attribution (CC-by)
Frequency: Annual (Call for papers: February-April / Publication of the annual issue: January-Febraury).
Year of establishment: 2008
Publishing institution: Departament d’Antropologia Social - Universitat de Barcelona
Editorial policy
Focus and Scope
(Con)textos: revista d’antropologia i investigació social publishes articles that, based on ethnographic research and other empirical approaches, contribute originality and depth to anthropological thought. The journal is not limited to a specific thematic or regional scope and seeks to include the diversity of perspectives within the discipline. The journal is aimed at students and professionals in the field of social and human sciences, as well as anyone interested in the study and knowledge of anthropology and related disciplines.
Review Process
The evaluation of each of the articles is carried out by impartial reviewers.
Each article is evaluated by impartial reviewers. The editorial committee will appoint two external experts, who are not part of either the publishing institution or the editorial committee, to evaluate the manuscript. The suitability of these persons will be determined based on the specific subject matter of the article.
The review policy will follow a Double-Blind Peer Review. This means that the identities of both the reviewers and the author are hidden from each other throughout the evaluation process.
Between 5-7 scientific articles are published in each issue, as well as informative articles and book reviews of recent works. In addition, each year the best Final Degree Project (FDP) of the Bachelor’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Barcelona will be published. Scientific articles are subject to an external evaluation process. The review of scientific articles will be carried out by people external to the editorial team and in the case of the informative articles and book reviews it will be carried out by the editorial board.
The evaluation process will be carried out following the process described below:
- The author must send their article to the editorial team of the journal, which will forward the document to external peers, once it has been reviewed that the manuscript meets the minimum requirements according to the journal's criteria. The assigned impartial reviewers will be specialists in the subject area(s) addressed in the article and will be considered "peers" of the author.
- The external reviewers will be in charge of evaluating the quality of the material sent based on the categories established by the editorial committee of the journal. Each of the impartial reviewers, together with the manuscript, will be proposed the dates within which they expect to receive the result of the evaluation of the article.
- The external reviewers will verify the accuracy of the article and assess the applied methodology, issuing an evaluation report that will be delivered to the author(s).
- If necessary, the external reviewers may suggest modifications to the author(s), which will be specified within the evaluation report of the article. In this case, the editorial committee will contact the authors to set the delivery dates of the respective modifications.
- If external reviewers determine that the article lacks rigor and academic validity, they may propose rejecting its publication. In the event that one reviewer suggests accepting the article while the other proposes rejection, a third reviewer will be consulted to provide a new report.
- Once the reports and proposed modifications are received from the reviewers, the editorial board will assess the final version of the articles and will be the instance responsible for the ultimate decision regarding their publication.
From the moment the manuscript is received, the editorial committee will have a maximum of 6 months to inform the author(s) of the result of its evaluation. Most articles are included in the issue corresponding to the year of the call, typically published between the months of September and December. However, the journal reserves the right to publish articles in the issues it deems most appropriate.
Publication Frequency
The first issue of the journal was published in 2008. Since this year, the publication frequency has been annual, except for two periods where the periodicity was interrupted (between 2011 and 2016; and between 2018 and 2021). Since 2021, the annual publication has been maintained, highlighting that in 2022, in addition to the regular issue, a monograph on "The intersectional perspective on women's sexual and reproductive health" was published.
The publication of the annual number is carried out between the months of January-Febraury. For more information, see the "Announcements" section for more information.
Open Access Policy
(Con)textos: revista d'antropologia i investigació social provides free access to the full texts of all its contents immediately upon publication.
The author retains the authorship rights, and grants (Con)textos: revista d'antropologia i investigació social the rights to the first publication of the article.
The author authorizes the reproduction and dissemination of their articles in indexing and abstract services, academic databases and repositories in which the journal currently or in the future participates. The texts will be disseminated with the Creative Commons - Attribution (CC-by) license which allows reproduction, distribution and public communication as long as the author and the magazine are recognized.
Likewise, the authors can deposit the final version accepted for publication in institutional or thematic open access repositories. (Con)textos: revista d'antropologia i investigació socia does not accept any responsibility for the views and statements made by the authors in their works.
(Con)textos: revista d'antropologia i investigació social adheres to the DOAJ definition of Open Access, providing immediate and unrestricted access to all published content, with user rights clearly defined under the Creative Commons - Attribution (CC-by) llicense, ensuring free use, sharing, and adaptation with proper attribution to the authors and the journal.
Ethical Declaration and Good Practices
(Con)textos: revista d'antropologia i investigació social is subject to the Regulations for Scientific Journals of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), or the regulations and/or ethical declaration of the UB in force, and complies with the Declaration of Ethics and Good Practice for Scientific Journals of the UB.
The University of Barcelona promotes the publication of digital journals in open access and ensures the transmission of high-quality and rigorous scientific knowledge. It is committed to guaranteeing the ethics of the articles it publishes, with reference to the Code of Conduct and Good Practices for Editors of Scientific Journals defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It is essential that all parties involved in the editing process—editors, reviewers, and authors—know and adhere to the principles of this code.
- Editorial Team:
Takes responsibility for the decision to publish or not publish articles received by the journal, which are reviewed without regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, country of origin, citizenship, or political orientation of the authors.
Publishes updated guidelines on the responsibilities of authors and the characteristics of works submitted to the journal, as well as on the arbitration system used to select articles and the evaluation criteria that external reviewers must apply.
Commits to publishing necessary corrections, clarifications, and apologies if deemed appropriate, and not to use received articles for their own research without the authors' consent.
Ensures the confidentiality of the evaluation process: the anonymity of reviewers and authors, the content being evaluated, the reports issued by reviewers, and any other communication made by committees (editorial, advisory, and scientific). Similarly, maintains confidentiality regarding any clarifications, claims, or complaints that an author may want to convey to the journal's committees or article reviewers.
Conflicts of interest and disclosure. Editors should not use results from papers submitted to them for their own research work without express permission from the author.
Declares its commitment to respect and the integrity of already published works.
Is particularly strict regarding plagiarism: texts identified as plagiarism are either removed from the journal or not published. The journal acts promptly in these cases.
- Authors:
Are responsible for the content of their submission.
Commit to informing the journal's editors if they detect a significant error in one of their published articles, so that appropriate corrections can be made.
Ensure that the article and associated materials are original and do not infringe on the copyrights of third parties. In the case of co-authorship, they must justify that there is consent from all authors affected for the final version of the article to be published in a UB journal.
- Reviewers:
Commit to conducting an objective, informed, critical, constructive, and impartial review of the article. Acceptance or rejection is based solely on the relevance of the work, its originality, interest, and compliance with the style and content standards indicated in the editorial criteria.
Respect established deadlines (if not possible, they must communicate this well in advance to the journal's management).
Do not share, disseminate, or use information from articles under review without the corresponding permission from the editor and/or authors.
Conflicts of interest and disclosure. Any restricted information obtained in the review process is considered confidential and may not be used for personal ends. If carrying out a review entails a conflict of interest for reviewers because they have collaborated or competed with the authors or the authors' institutions, these reviewers should decline the review proposal.
Antiplagiarism and Responsible Authorship Policy
(Con)textos: revista d'antropologia i investigació social will guarantee the originality of all manuscripts by using the University of Barcelona's anti-plagiarism programme. The aim of this policy is to ensure standards of originality and to detect coincidences and similarities between manuscripts submitted for publication and those previously published in other media. If any plagiarism is identified, the text will be excluded and will not be considered for publication.
The journal also promotes responsible authorship practices and recognition of diverse contributions. Therefore, if there is a clear division of labor in the collection of empirical data and the writing of the article, we invite you to make it explicit. Although we consider it somewhat distant from the reality of our discipline, we value the CRediT initiative as a good tool to reflect on the proper recognition of authorship.
Editorial Practices on Gender and Diversity
The journal is committed to good editorial practices in terms of gender equality and recognition and respect for diversity in the field of research.
- (Con)textos ensures gender parity both in the composition of the different bodies of the journal and in the participation of the people who evaluate the papers.
- It will be valued that the articles submitted take into account different axes of difference/inequality in the presentation of their results, and indicate whether the information collected in the research has taken them into account.
- The articles should use inclusive language that avoids reproducing prejudices associated with class, gender, racialisation, gender, sexual orientation or beliefs. In this sense, (Con)textos recommends the indications of the CSIC's good practice guide on inclusive and non-sexist language, and also the UAM's guide for a non-sexist use of language. In addition, (Con)textos accepts the use of the suffix -i (in Catalan) or -e (in Spanish) as a non-binary gender marker in texts that require it.
- The journal is committed to the Chicago citation style, among other reasons, in order to make the full name of the authors visible, given that the inclusion of only the initial often contributes to the invisibility of the authors' gender.
Language Policy
The journal is committed to the principles of the Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication, which aims to make research accessible, protect infrastructures for publishing relevant local research, and promote linguistic diversity, especially the use of Catalan in academic publishing. For this reason, we are considering the possibility of publishing translations in some cases.
Authors who have an article accepted for publication in a language other than Catalan will be offered the possibility of submitting a translation of their article into Catalan for publication in the journal. Similarly, authors who have an article accepted for publication in Catalan will be offered the possibility of having it translated into another of the Journal's official languages. The Editorial Board will ensure that the translations meet the same quality standards as the original accepted article, but in no case will it be responsible for these translations.
On the other hand, the journal has a section called "Translations of original articles", which publishes translations into Catalan or Spanish of articles published in other languages that the editorial board considers relevant to its local community. The Editorial Board will also consider external proposals for translations, but will not be responsible for translating the proposed articles.
Use of Artificial Intelligence (IA)
(Con)textos is guided by the European Commission's recommendations on the use of Artificial Intelligence in research, regarding the ethical and responsible use of these tools, in order to create a framework of trust and good practice. Therefore, from issue 15 onwards, authors will be required to make explicit the use of generative AI tools or AI software for data analysis, detailing their purpose and scope in the research or creative process. At the same time, the journal will implement a monitoring system to ensure that the use of AI is proportionate and avoids practices that compromise the integrity, originality or human effort of collaborations.
Archiving and Digital Preservation
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. LOCKSS publisher manifest of REIRE: https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/contextos/gateway/lockss
Interoperability protocol
REIRE implements OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting), a low-barrier mechanism for repository interoperability that expose Dublin Core structured metadata. OAI 2.0 Request: https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/index/oai?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&set=contextos
Publishing institution
Departament d'Antropologia Social - Universitat de Barcelona
Support and financing
The journal has received the following public grants:
- 2022 - Call for grants for scientific journals, Universat de Barcelona
- 2023 - Call for grants for scientific journals, Universat de Barcelona
- 2023 - Grants from the Research Commission of the Faculty of Geography and History - Grants for the publication of electronic journals.
- 2024 - Call for grants for scientific journals, Universat de Barcelona
- 2024 - Grants from the Research Commission of the Faculty of Geography and History - Grants for the publication of electronic journals
Advertisment and marketing
The journal does not contain advertising, and our direct marketing activities are appropriate, well-targeted to an interested audience, truthful, and aligned with the journal's mission. Additionally, we send communications about the publication of new issues, calls for papers, and other relevant information related to our activities.
Journal History
(Con)textos was founded in 2008 as an initiative of several researchers attached to the Universitat de Barcelona. Its original purpose was to create a space for discussion, reflection and training in the research field of social anthropology. After publishing five issues and attaining the initial aim of getting some recognition, the Editorial Board is determined to modify the journal’s orientation. The sixth issue will be composed of commissioned articles. Afterwards, (con)textos will publish monographic issues on specific subjects.
In 2016, the editorial team was in charge of the Antropologies Association. In this new stage, the image of the magazine has been changed and it is also intended to bring it closer to a wider audience. Thus, the new generations of students of anthropology and other related social and human sciences can find a space to collaborate, without losing the space for discussion, reflection and training that has always characterized the magazine.
Starting with number 7, we wanted to introduce the spirit of the association by offering an open call for jobs regardless of the profile and degree of experience, such as recent graduates, with master's studies or working from activism. Furthermore, this opening has been accompanied by a change in the magazine's corporate image, with the intention of updating it and making the new editorial approach visible. All these changes are aligned with the objectives of the Antropologies Association of promoting access, visibility, dissemination and anthropological knowledge at various levels and contexts.
In the year 2021, a group of doctoral students from the "Culture and Society" program of the Department of Social Anthropology joined the editorial team, strengthening the connection with the University of Barcelona.
Since its inception, the journal has published in open access with Creative Commons licenses, and from issue 13 onwards it changed the most restrictive license to a free license, specifically the Creative Commons - Attribution (CC-by).