Receipt of original manuscripts


There is no set deadline for the receipt of original manuscripts. Submissions are incorporated as they are accepted, without having to wait for the completion of the current issue (the journal uses a "continuous publication" model).

TEISEL releases an annual issue, which is published electronically in open access. Each issue contains three types of contributions:

  • Articles on the creation and use of tools and resources (this section prioritizes contributions written in the first person by specialists who have participated in the development of the tool or resource under study).
  • Articles on research using technologies (the purpose of this section is to disseminate the possibilities and limitations that certain technologies present for research, based on the results of the research experience itself).
  • Reviews of books, proceedings, thematic portals, etc.

Articles are subject to double-blind peer review (by external experts) and book and other reviews are reviewed by the Editorial Committee. In all cases, TEISEL welcomes contributions written in any languages and on any L2s. The particular characteristics of each section can be consulted here.

[You can also see the request for contributions distributed through the Infoling list:]