Food tourism: A systematic analysis
Food tourism, Gastronomy, Literature reviewAbstract
Food tourism has become a significant theme of study in tourism research. This investigation examines the evolution of food tourism research between 1979 and 2022 in the thematic area of social sciences. For this purpose, a systemic review is developed, which includes a bibliometric analysis of indexed publications and the conceptual approach, identifying the main research topics, perspectives, and disciplinary approaches. The bibliometric study identified 681 publications as research articles on gastronomic tourism. The research findings reveal that this theme increased after 2013 from a marketing and management perspective. Regarding the related concepts, the results show that the most commonly used is "food tourism," but there are others used indistinctly, such as culinary tourism or gastronomic tourism. The study reveals that the most influential definitions of gastronomic tourism are relatively old, and no new contributions have occurred. The main lines of research are the relationship between gastronomic tourism and culture, gastronomy as a tourist resource, gastronomy as a promotion tool, and the profile of the food tourist.
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